Intro to Transformational Discipleship Course Pt. 2
This course of the discipleship process introduces the Christian, regardless of
spiritual maturity, to be conFormed (Light) and transFormed (Fire) in our relationship
with Christ through a small Group 8-week holistic lifelong journey of instruction.
Objectives: By the end of this 8-week session, participants and fellow learners will be
able to do the following through Socratic dialog, class instruction, exegetical exercises,
and oral presentations:
• Apply basic exegetical principles to the study of scripture and how biblical study
can relate to everyday life.
• Evaluate our spiritual, relational, and emotional health.
• Provide a strategy to use our natural and spiritual gifts to walk in God’s divine
purpose in the disciple's life.
• Commit to a lifelong process of discipleship and the making of disciples.
8 weeks of personal and transformative study that will help you embrace the purpose God has for your life. The course will be on the zoom conferencing video platform.