Who Am I Pt.1
Many are looking for meaning and value. So many things try to define who we are, why we are here, and what we are to do. Join us for this transformational course to discern and affirm the answers that have eluded so many.
This course of the discipleship process is to introduce the Christian, regardless of spiritual maturity, to be informed (Ignite), conFormed (Light), and transFormed (Fire) in our relationship with Christ through a small Group four-week holistic lifelong journey of instruction.
Objectives: By the end of this four-week session, participants and fellow learners will be able to do the following through Socratic dialog, class instruction, exegetical exercises, and weekly applicational assignments:
• Apply basic exegetical principles to the study of scripture and how biblical study can relate to everyday life.
•Discern the value we place in ourselves and the value God has placed on us.
•Evaluate the power of purpose in the life of the disciple.
• Develop a strategy to walk in our purpose and be more proactive in ministry or service to others.
• Commit to a lifelong pursuit of walking in God’s purpose and plan.