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What's so good about Good Friday (EBOOK)

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What's so good about Good Friday (EBOOK)

Over two thousand years ago, an innocent Man named Jesus gave His life for the guilty on a Good Friday. But He was more than a mere man; He was the Lamb of God who gave His life for us who was in bondage to sin and death. He is the Son of God, who died for all of us to free all of us who trust and believe in Him. But this sacrifice on The Cross was not without suffering. Because He loves us, our Christ and Savior suffered physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. He did this because He loves us, and without the shedding of blood, there could be no forgiveness of sin. Journey through Holy Week. A week that our Christ suffered so that we would not have to suffer under the bondage of sin and death.

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31 pages
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